Company Profile
Cottonwood Community Alternatives, Inc. ~ P.O. Box 946, Englewood, Colorado 80151-0946 ~  PHONE: 303.761-6487 
Affiliations & Accreditations

Cottonwood Community Alternatives, Inc. is a private, 501(C)3, non-profit agency, providing training and support services to persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Cottonwood was designated on July 1, 1991 as a Program Approved Service Agency by the State of Colorado, Department of Institutions, Division for Developmental Disabilities. 

Cottonwood provides services in the counties of Arapahoe, Denver, Douglas, Elbert, Jefferson, and the City of Aurora. We work collaboratively with several of the Community Centered Boards in those areas, Developmental Pathways, DDRC, Eastern Colorado Services, North Metro Community Services, and Rocky Mountain Human Services. 

Management Team

Cottonwood’s administrative team is comprised of individuals with a significant amount of knowledge, experience, and dedication to this field and to individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. The majority of our Senior Management Team has been in the Human Services field in excess of 15 years, with a large majority of those years being with Cottonwood.  

Executive Management Team

  • CEO/Director - Cindy Opheim 

  • COO/CFO - Seanna Horton

Cottonwood is proud of its ongoing policy of open communication with the individuals we serve, family members, guardians, advocates and Interdisciplinary Team Members, and employees.   The primary contact for individuals in service, their families, advocates, etc. is their assigned Program Manager.  

Emergency and after hours phone calls should go to our emergency cell phone 303-908-8761. If you have a message that can be handled the next working day, feel free to leave a message on the voice mail at the office.